Youth Ministry/Formation

YOUTH Ministry

“You too, dear young people, can be joyful witnesses of his love, courageous witnesses of his Gospel, carrying to this world

 a ray of his light.”

— Pope Francis at World Youth Day 2013

St. Mary’s Youth Ministry - Our goal is to lead all teens of our parish closer to Jesus Christ by bringing teens to the celebration of the Eucharist, to the teachings of Christ and the Church, and to an experience of being loved and accepted within the community by:

  • Empowering young people to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in our world today
  • Drawing young people to responsible participation in the life, mission, and work of the Catholic faith community
  • Fostering the total personal and spiritual growth of each young person 

YOUTH MINISTRY - Grades 7-12

Contact: Dcn. Peter McCourt |

7th & 8th Grade Faith Formation

There are to options for our 7th & 8th graders:

  • Sunday Evening gatherings (with dinner) - two times per month
  • Home Study - with a family gathering 4 times during the year.

CLICK HERE for 7th & 8th grade registration.

Youth Nights (Faith Formation)

All 7th - 12th grade youth are invited to our particiate in our Youth Nights with dinner provided (CLICK HERE for calendar). Come and join us! Youth Nights is our High School Faith Formation gatherings. All High school youth not attending Catholic high school should participate. All teens invited and welcome!

CLICK HERE to register for HS Formation (Youth Nights) & Confirmation.

St. Mary’s high school program (Gr. 9-12) needs you!

There are two new exciting opportunities to serve this year! 

Are you a parish adult (18+) who wants to help support our teens in their journey of faith with Jesus Christ? We are looking for members of our NEW Adult Core Team to support the various activities planned for this year for our teens. We are seeking Catholic adults to respond to their baptismal call and serve! Very simply, a Core Team member's job is to share Jesus Christ with our teens. You don't have to be an expert on Scripture and you don't need to have a theology degree. Your responsibility is to love teens and show them that they are loved by God.

Are you a high school junior or senior who wants to help lead your peers and serve as a member of our NEW Youth Leadership Team, helping with Youth Nights by leading small group discussions, prayer, etc.? Want to live out your baptismal call and do some service? Need some service hours for school or college scholarships? If you’ve received Confirmation, and the answer is yes, then this might be for you. Flexible commitment and loads of fun guaranteed! 

To join us or for more information, please contact Dcn. Peter by email,, or call the parish office.

Youth Bible Study

Sharing the Word of God as we gather around the table and share a meal. If this idea is interesting to you, please join us for the Teen Bible study. Twice a month, we will meet at a home, share a meal and discuss the Sunday readings. Students currently in the 8th grade or older are welcome to join us as we discuss the scripture and how it applies to our daily lives. On the first Sunday of the month, we will meet at 6:30 for dinner and discussion. On an additional Sunday each month we will gather at 12:30 p.m. for brunch and discussion. There is no homework and the readings will be provided to participants. You are welcome to come to any or all sessions as your schedule permits. Parents are welcome to join as well. There will always be at least 2 VIRTUS trained adults at each meeting. For more information and to sign up to attend, please contact Anne-Marie Condlin at

Teen Bible Study - Tentative dates

  • October - 6th, dinner, 20th, brunch
  • November - 3th, dinner, 17th, brunch
  • December - 8th dinner, possible brunch on 22nd
  • January - 5th dinner, 19th brunch
  • February - 2nd, dinner, 9th, brunch 
  • March - 2nd, dinner, 30th, brunch
  • April - 6th, dinner

Confirmation Preparation

Contact Mike School, Confirmation Coordinator


CLICK HERE for information about this year's Confirmation Preparation program.


  • Download the 7th & 8th Grade Calendar HERE.

  • Download the High School Calendar HERE.

Diocesan Youth Conference

DYC is open to teens, currently in grades 8-12. CLICK HERE for full information about the conference.

Catholic Heart Work Camp

Catholic Heart Work Camp is open to all teens in grades 7 and up. CLICK HERE for our CHWC Information/Registration page.

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