Contact: Deacon Chris Morash, Director of Music
The choir is a dedicated group of adults who enjoy music and who minister as a choral ensemble within the assembly on weekends, feast days, and at seasonal celebrations. Membership in the Parish Choir is open to all adults and teens regardless of musical ability. Regular attendance at rehearsals on Tuesday evenings and liturgies is expected.
Approximately 15 "regulars" rehearse weekly on Tuesday evenings using 3-5 octave performance and liturgical music for bells. New ringers, with or without experience, are always welcome! Or you may enjoy the flexibility of being a "substitute or seasonal" ringer.
If you play or have played an instrument in the not too distant past, consider giving your talent to the parish assembly on an occasional or seasonal basis. Perfection is not expected. A willingness to assist the parish at prayer with the additional sounds of either strings, brass, or woodwinds will bring great personal satisfaction. We will work with you.
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