Adult Faith Formation

adult faith formation

current & upcoming opportunities


This Lent, Saint Mary’s invites you to follow the Lord into the depths of your heart by taking a healing journey with Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT. 

Sr. Miriam invites you to meet the tenderness of God’s mercy, the power of His love, and the restoration of your heart and life as you practice prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Throughout Lent, we will move through four different phases of healing, focusing on traditional Lenten practices of prayer, fasting, almsgiving and sacrifice. 

This study includes weekly meetings where we watch a video by Sr. Miriam Heidland, read a passage from scripture and discuss the theme of the week. Throughout Lent, participants will also use the Restore Journal for daily personal reflection. St. Mary’s is purchasing 100 copies of the Restore journal which can be purchased at cost for $7.

Prayerfully consider joining us for this Lenten study. If you enter into Lent with Christ, your heart will see more clearly, be pierced more easily, love more strongly, and serve more passionately. Jesus will be etched into the crevasses of your being.

Meetings are available in person and through zoom. Meetings should last about 1 hour and 15 minutes. Meetings are Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. and Friday Mornings at 10:30 a.m.

For questions please contact Anne-Marie Condlin at or

Richard Mallory at 


March 6 & 7 - Ash Wednesday & The Desert

March 13 & 14 - Freedom of Heart

March 20 & 21 - Roots of Sin

March 27 & 28 - Healing Balm

April 3 & 4 - Forgiveness

April 10 & 11 - Holy Week - The Passion in Art with Mary Ann Peppiatt

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