For information about any of our Social Justice Ministries
and how to get involved, please call or email:
Rebecca Oxenreider, Minister of Human Concerns, Social Justice, and Community Life
804-740-4044, ext. 111 |
All of our outreach and hands-on ministries help to temporarily assist low income families and individuals. However, unless laws change, many problems affecting the most vulnerable members of society will not be addressed. We are invited to be a voice for the voiceless all year, but especially in January and February when the Legislature is in session. Join our advocacy group - the commitment is flexible.
Fair Trade is any alternative way of doing business - one that builds equitable, long term partnerships between consumers in North America and producers in developing regions. Fair Trade businesses pay a fair wage, offer employees an opportunity for advancement, engage in environmentally sound practices and build long term trade relationships. We serve Fair Trade products at parish functions.
We have available for sale Fair Trade coffee, teas, cocoa and candy. We sell these products for what we pay to purchase them. They are delicious! this is one small step each of us can take for justice. Contact Rebecca to purchase Fair Trade products.
The Virginia Catholic Conference represents the public-policy interests of the Commonwealth's Catholic bishops and their two diocese.
The Conference engages in advocacy on respect-life, social justice, and education issues through contacts with state and federal lawmakers, grassroots advocates, and media outlets.
To learn more about the VCC, visit the web site:
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