Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA)

order of christian initiation of adults (OCIA)

The OCIA - Becoming Catholic

Contact: Richard Mallory, Coordinator of Adult Formation

The OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) is the process by which adults become Catholic. It is called a "process" because it is a time of discerning and ritualizing stages of conversion within the faith journey of adults. 

The OCIA Process is open to those who have never been baptized, those who have been baptized in another Christian denomination and are interested in becoming Catholic, and those who were baptized Catholic, but have never received the Sacraments of Confirmation or Eucharist. Those who participate in the process are called Catechumens if they have never been baptized or Candidates if they have already been baptized.

The OCIA process is a time of discerning and ritualizing stages of conversion within the faith journey of adults.

General Information

  • Participation in the OCIA Process

    You can become involved in the OCIA Process either as a participant (someone seeking to become Catholic) or as a Sponsor (someone accompanying a participant in the OCIA).

  • Meeting Dates

    Our OCIA sessions occur on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm throughout the year.

  • OCIA Process for Children

    OCIA (adapted for Children) is the children's counterpart of the Adult OCIA process. It is designed for children (3rd grade or older) who have never been baptized or who were baptized in another Christian denomination and who want to join the Catholic Church. The structure of this process is modeled on the OCIA process.

    Children who participate in the OCIA process should also attend the regular Christian Formation program offered by the parish or be attending Catholic school.

  • The OCIA Process and the Community

    The OCIA process involves the whole parish community. How?

    As Evangelizers - by encouraging others (spouses, friends, colleagues, etc.) to consider becoming members of the Catholic Church.

    As Sponsors - by responding to the invitation to become a sponsor, by accompanying a person seeking to become Catholic on their journey of faith.

    As Members of the Christian Community - by recognizing that, as a community, as the Assembly, we manifest the Lord's presence to those who are seeking to join us in faith, by our words and by our gestures of hospitality.

    Participation in the Liturgical Rites - because it is the whole community that evangelizes, we need to be aware of the importance of our involvement in the process. The Rites (the liturgical celebrations which precede three of the periods of the process) take place at one of the weekend liturgies and the Assembly has an important role to play in these Liturgical Rites.

    - At the Rite of Acceptance and Rite of Welcoming, the community welcomes the Catechumens and Candidates

    - At the Rite of Election, the community affirms and supports the Elect and the Candidates to continuing conversion

    - At the Lenten Scrutinies, the community prays for the spiritual healing of the Elect

    - At the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil, the community welcomes the Elect and Candidates into the Church.

Interested in more information about becoming Catholic ...

Complete the OCIA Information Sheet and email it to Richard Mallory.

Need more information or want to be a sponsor?

Call Richard Mallory at the Parish Office (804) 740-4044, ext. 123 or email.

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