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Our faith calls upon us to pray and act, proclaiming the dignity and value of every human life. In the days leading up to the National March for Life, Saint Mary's will host daily Prayers for Life. All parishioners are welcome to participate in this unique opportunity. The Novena Prayers will happen each day for nine days in a row. This brief service will include Scripture readings and special intercessions. The Novena prayers will take place after Mass each day in the Daily Mass Chapel for 20 minutes. The prayers are also available on line so that you can pray them at home.
O God,
You are the Creator of all things
and source of all life.
Hear the prayers of your people,
and convert the hearts of all nations,
so that we may treasure your gift of life,
and serve our neighbors with generous hearts.
We make this prayer through Christ our Lord.
+ O Mary, Mother of God, join us in prayer as we intercede for the citizens of every nation.
Through the Spirit of Jesus, may we learn to respect life through all stages, from natural conception to natural death.
Hail Mary, full of grace…
+ O Mary, Mother of God, join us in prayer as we intercede for the citizens of every nation.
May every unborn child be protected and cherished, and may every parent and family treasure your gift of life.
Hail Mary, full of grace…
+ O Mary, Mother of God, join us in prayer as we intercede for the citizens of every nation.
Through the Spirit of Jesus, may we learn to encourage adoption as a generous and compassionate alternative to abortion. May we become people who provide resources and support for those seeking alternatives to abortion.
Hail Mary, full of grace….
+ O Mary, Mother of God, join us in prayer as we intercede for the citizens of every nation.
Through the Spirit of Jesus, may we learn to show compassion and mercy to those who have experienced abortions.
Hail Mary, full of grace…
+ O Mary, Mother of God, join us in prayer as we intercede for the citizens of every nation.
Through the Spirit of Jesus, may we learn to treasure our brothers and sisters who are born with developmental challenges, so that all of your children may receive respect and assistance. May every child be generously welcomed into the human family.
Hail Mary, full of grace…
+O Mary, Mother of God, join us in prayer as we intercede for the citizens of every nation.
Through the Spirit of Jesus, make us attentive to the needs of children who are abused. May all victims of criminal abuse and neglect receive assistance and support. May every church and family work to create a safe environment for those who cannot protect themselves.
Hail Mary, full of grace…
+O Mary, Mother of God, join us in prayer as we intercede for the citizens of every nation.
Through the Spirit of Jesus, may we learn to recognize your Divine Presence in those among us who are elderly. May those who are suffering in body, mind or spirit receive effective support and care.
Hail Mary, full of grace…
+ O Mary, Mother of God, join us in prayer as we intercede for the citizens of every nation.
Through the Spirit of Jesus, may we learn to provide justice for those who are victims of kidnapping and human trafficking, so that all may experience your gift of freedom.
Hail Mary, full of grace….
+ O Mary, Mother of God, join us in prayer as we intercede for the citizens of every nation.
Through the Spirit of Jesus, inspire those who work to defend the dignity of each life, including medical professionals, members of the military, first responders, caregivers, and those who volunteer at pregnancy resource centers.
Hail Mary, full of grace…
+ O Mary, Mother of God, join us in prayer as we intercede for the citizens of every nation.
Through the Spirit of Jesus, help us to recognize your divine presence in those whose lives are threatened by war, violence, the death penalty, addiction, poverty and injustice. By your grace teach us to value every human life.
Hail Mary, full of grace…
+ O Mary, Mother of God, join us in prayer as we intercede for the citizens of every nation.
Through the Spirit of Jesus, teach us to respond generously to the strangers in our midst, especially to those who are poor, unwelcomed, and alone. May refugees and immigrants know the power of your love through the generosity of your people.
Hail Mary, full of grace…
+ O Mary, Mother of God, join us in prayer as we intercede for the citizens of every nation.
Through the Spirit of Jesus, teach us to be wise stewards of this good Earth which our Father has made. May we have the wisdom and will to preserve God’s creation.
Hail Mary, full of grace…
O Mary, Mother of the Living,
to you do we entrust the cause of Life.
Look down upon the vast number of babies
who are not allowed to be born.
Look down upon the poor
whose lives are made difficult.
Look down upon women and men
who are victims of brutal violence.
Look down upon the elderly and sick
who are killed by indifference or out of misguided mercy.
Grant that all who believe in your Son
may proclaim the Gospel of life
with honesty and love.
May we build a civilization of truth and love,
to the praise and glory of God,
who is the Creator and lover of life.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
[Prayer for Life written by St. John Paul II]
The word novena comes from the Latin word, novem, for nine. A novena is a nine-day period of private or public prayer. There are four basic categories of novenas — novenas of preparation, of mourning, of prayer, and of indulgence.
The nine days of prayer format comes directly from scripture where we read in the book of Acts that it was nine days after the Ascension that the Holy Spirit descended onto the Apostles. During that time, the faithful men and women “devoted themselves to constant prayer,” (Acts 1:12-14) waiting for the Lord.
Today, Catholics can find hundreds of novenas to pray about a plethora of topics. Many Catholics pray novenas in times of need or in devotion to a specific saint. Although a saint’s novena may traditionally begin or end on the saint’s feast day, while others, like the “Novena for Adopted Children” or the “Novena for Vocations,” can be prayed any time of the year, there is flexibility here for those wanting to pray. The faithful may choose to pray a private novena on any topic at any time! Want to pray a novena to St. Francis but it’s not his feast day? Go ahead!
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